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GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | SPORT ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDED FOR PREGNANT WOMEN - Sports Activities That Are Recommended For Pregnant Women. Sport is a series of physical or physical activities that aim to maintain health. Sports activities can not only be done by athletes or athletes, but sports are also highly recommended for pregnant women . What types of exercise are recommended for pregnant women?  how to do good exercise for pregnant women? here I will explain a little about sports activities that are recommended for pregnant women.

For mothers and expectant mothers who are pregnant, maintaining a healthy pregnancy is very important, but pregnant women also don't mean they can't be productive or don't work. Even doctors often say that the older the pregnancy, the more often it is recommended to do fun activities .

There are many activities that pregnant women can do  whose activities are very enjoyable, for example by cooking, traveling, exercising, or working (for those who have regular jobs). As long as all of the above activities can be fun, it's not a problem. What pregnant women should avoid when doing activities is not being able to lift weights that are too heavy, avoid standing for too long.

There are several sports activities that are recommended for pregnant women, namely swimming, walking, dancing, yoga, static cycling, aerobics, squats. The sports activities that must be carried out and practiced are pelvic tilt exercises and the butterfly pose. This exercise is very helpful during the delivery process and trains the thigh muscles.

Especially for you pregnant women who like gymnastics, you should do special exercises for pregnant women. This is very important, especially when the gestational age is approaching 7 months, sports activities must be increasingly maintained because the older the pregnancy, the physical condition decreases. 

That's the material that I can share about sports activities that are recommended for pregnant women, hopefully this is useful.