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GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | BASIC TECHNIQUES FOR PLAYING TABLE TENNIS - Basic Techniques for Playing Table Tennis . Playing table tennis is basically not difficult, but if we want to master and practice it, of course we have to master the techniques in the game. There are many sources or hands-on training with clubs or coaches in order to master the basic techniques of playing table tennis.

So, on this occasion, good sports will explain a little about the basic techniques of playing table tennis. However, this explanation is not a science that you must completely master, but at least you can make it a reference or reference in training. You can search for other sports to be able to complement it.

To master the basic techniques of playing table tennis, this good sport will divide into 4 parts to make it easier to practice. that is:

1. The technique of holding the bat (grip)

This technique is very important when we play table tennis. This technique is divided into 2 parts, namely the shakehand grip   or holding like a handshake. This technique is very popular and forms the basis of training because it is easy and accurate to hold and use. The next one is the penhold grip or holding it like holding a pen handle. However, special skills are needed for this gripping technique because the bet position is not parallel to the front but dives down. But for good sports beginners, it is recommended to use the shakehand grip technique only.

2. Prepared technique (stance)

This is the beginning of playing table tennis where players are ready to hit or receive the ball. In this technique, good exercise divides into two parts, namely the square stance , which means the position of the body facing the shirt with the legs parallel and the body slightly inclined, while the position of the hands is slightly stretched forward. The point is to easily read and receive the ball from the opponent or send the ball to the opponent. And the next one is the side stance , which means the body position is sideways either on the right or left side. In this technique your body position must be closer to the table to better control the field. 

3. Footwork technique

In the basic techniques of playing table tennis, of course you have to train your foot movements. Because when playing table tennis you have to step forward, sideways to the right or left, even backwards very quickly and reflexively. The way to do this is that the knee of the foot that is the pedestal is bent forward or sideways according to the step you want and the body weight is divided towards the pedestal and back for balance.

4. Punch technique (stroke)

This is a very important technique in playing table tennis. There are two types of core strokes that you must master in the basic techniques of playing table tennis, namely:
Forehand: This shot is used when the ball goes to the right of the body. The way to do this is by lowering your body position, then moving the hand holding the bat towards the ball or simply by aligning the bet with the waist but not changing the position of the elbow.
Backhand: This shot is used if the ball is to the left of the body. The way to do this is to direct the bet to the left of the body and position the bet so that it is right on the ball and then push it forward without changing the position of the elbow.

For left-handed players you can do the opposite.

So, that's material about the basic technique of playing table tennis that can be a good sport, hopefully it will be useful.