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GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT THROUGH EXERCISE - Live healthy with sports. how to be healthy with exercise? Is it true that sports can be healthy? certainly curious is not it ..? So here I will share a little about exercise which is actually not only healthy but can also lose weight.

How to lose weight through exercise ? let's discuss it together. 
There are several sports that we can take to be able to lose weight

1. Swimming
Even though this sport is an activity in swimming water, it can burn 500 to 550 calories in the body.

2. Sit ups
If done regularly sit ups are great for training and forming abdominal muscles

3. Push ups
Push ups are a very simple exercise, but if we do them properly and correctly, push ups can form arms and shape

4 Jogs
Jogging is a sport that is very often done, although not all categories of jogging, walking, or going up and down stairs can be included in the sports category, but this activity is great for burning calories in the body.

How to lose weight through exercise is also not only done with the activities above but eating patterns and resting patterns also need to be considered. For example, don't eat more than nine in the evening, avoid high-calorie foods, drink enough (white) mineral water, and increase your intake of protein and fiber.

I need to remind you that how to lose weight through exercise is very easy, but the most influential result is our willingness to be serious about it and always maintain a lifestyle to always be disciplined in sports.

That's material on how to lose weight through exercise that I can share, hopefully it's useful, amen.